Korean BBQ Sauce

This recipe is adapted to be low-carb and for allergen removal from this Snappy Gourmet article.


  • Soy Sauce (1 cup, low sodium)
  • Turnip (size of an asian pear; peeled; alternatively use Choyte squash)
  • Swerve-Brown Sugar Substitute (1/2 cup)
  • Malt Vinegar (1 TBSP)
  • Garlic (1 TBSP fresh, minced)
  • Ginger (1 TBSP, fresh, minced)
  • Green Onion (chopped)
  • Sesame Seed Oil (1 tsp)
  • pepper


  1. Measure ingredients.
  2. Dump into blender.
  3. Blend well.
  4. Cook in sauce pan for 5 minutes to thicken to desired thickness.
  5. For my ingredients, I needed to re-blend them after cooking.
  6. Jar.
  7. Refrigerate until using.


  • On a sandwich or wrap, with or without mixing it with mayo.
  • On meat or beans to flavor.
  • In a stir fry.
  • While cooking meats or beans in the slow cooker or on the grill.

Breakfast Substitute

Note: While cooking this recipe, I discovered a happy substitute for cooked breakfast cereal. A pealed, raw, minced, turnip processed in the blender or food processor but otherwise raw turnip, cooked in butter and then given a healthy covering of maple/brown sugar to form a sort of sauce covering the cooked turnip bits, could easily be a substitute for oatmeal or other such cooked cereals.

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