Oven-Roasted Okra

Recently, I viewed a video with the topic of the three healthiest veggies you can eat. In that video, by YouTuber, Dr. Steven Gundry, he reported Okra is super healthy because of its overall benefits to gut health.


  • Frozen Okra
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  1. Thaw a frozen bag of okra.
  2. Preheat Oven to 400 degrees F.
  3. Cut Okra in half. (or skip this step if your okra is already pre cut)
  4. Place on baking sheet.
  5. Drizzle with olive oil.
  6. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  7. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.
  8. Flip it over.
  9. Bake for 10 minutes longer.


The video claimed that these are crispy, and a non-slimy way to eat Okra. When I made the recipe, it wasn’t “crispy” by any means. This leaves me to looking for a better way to enjoy Okra. I used to have a fabulous recipe, from Vegan Times, which used okra as a tuna-salad substitute. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to locate that recipe again.

Plant Family:

Recipe Source: https://youtu.be/foemoLcDo7s?t=326

Nutritional Info:
Per Dr Alan Mandell, DC Okra has the following benefits:

  1. Better Digestion
  2. Cleanses colon.
  3. Low calorie.
  4. Assists kidney functions.
  5. Diuretic.
  6. High Fiber.
  7. Lowers cholesterol.
  8. Improve cardiac function.
  9. Great antioxidants.
  10. Fights off free radicals (which can lead to cancer)
  11. Help immunity with vitamin c and works with good bacteria in the intestinal track.
  12. Fertility benefits: folic acid.
  13. Blood Sugar: hypoglycemic. For diabetic prevention, take fresh okra, poke holes in it, soak in water overnight, then drink it.
  14. Asthma: vitamin C is proven to help some.
  15. Brain: okra’s health benefits include anti-inflammatory properties, brain boost, and helps prevent neurological issues.
  16. Eye health: cataracts.
  17. Vitamin K and Folic Acid helps with bone health, osteoporosis.
  18. Helps skin.
  19. Helps heal ulcers.


My local grocery store is HEB (which is a Texas grocery chain). HEB regularly has okra available frozen (plain and cut, or breaded) as well as fresh (sold in a clam shell in the produce area) . I’ve tried all of these and the breaded isn’t worth purchasing. As it cooks, the breading falls off and this is not crispy.

Do you have a favorite method of making Okra? Or recipe?

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