Cheese Dip (Dairy-Free)

This recipe is not my own. I found the specific one I “sort of” tried after reading many, many dairy-free, vegan (high carb, low carb, gluten free, grain free, etc) blog entries, pinterest recipes and watching YouTube videos. This is the way I made the recipe after consider several different approaches. It works, as is, but I also offer some modifications in the “Tips” section below.


  • 3 TBSP Nutritional Yeast
  • 2 TBSP White Vinegar
  • 2 TBSP Tahini
  • 2 TBSP Hemp Hearts
  • 2 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 cup water


Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender. Start blending on the lowest setting . Once all of the ingredients are well incorporated, turn the blender to high speed and let it run until the sauce thickens up. Scrape down the sides into the mixture from time to time. When it is finished, allow to cool slightly. Enjoy. Or put it up in an air tight container.


This is the blog where I originally saw the specific recipe I modified.
This recipe, and the blog, as well as the blog author is an excellent resource for many great recipes! I highly recommend being a regular reader. However, like a lot of folks these days, I only skim read the blog and messed up by not seeing until I was finished taste testing the blog recipe included “for a brighter yellow color, as a half-tsp of turmeric.


  • I’ve read many recipes, blog entries and watched YouTube videos which say this can be easily a great substitute for queso if you simply spice it with cumin and a bit of tex-mex flavors.
  • It will indeed look more like cheddar cheese or nacho cheese sauce, if you include either mustard powder or turmeric for color.
  • I could also see this recipe being used sparingly as a base substitute for its dairy counter parts in such recipes as: white pizza sauce, enchilada cheese sauce, quesadillas, or spiced with italian seasonings as a white lasagna cheese sauce.

“White Cheese”
“Yellow” Cheese – added turmeric for coloring.

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