Category Archives: Hemp Hearts

Hemp Milk (vegan)

Useful for a beverage, a baking/cooking ingredient, or as a frozen dessert with the texture of ice milk unless you also add a fat.

Recently I came across a blog post written about one way to make Hemp Heart Milk. I thought the nutritional info and distinction about nut vs hem heart milk was intriguing but knew it wasn’t quite right for me as it was written so I decided to try my own twist on it. I’m especially interested if the hemp milk might be able to be made into ice cream as a coconut-alternative to non-dairy, non-soy, milk (as a baking ingredient) and non-dairy ice cream base.

Here is the original blog post which prompted me thinking in this direction. Definitely worth a read as its got great info too.


  • 4 Cups Water
  • 3/4 Cup Hemp Hearts
  • 4 TBSP Maple Syrup (Keto Option: use any maple or syrup flavored sweetener instead)
  • (3 scoops Kal stevia)
  • 1/4 Cup Cocoa Powder (omit for creamcycle or chia flavors)
  • 2 drop YL Peppermint (or Tangerine for creamcycle flavor, or cinnamon/clove/nutmeg for chia) Vitality Oil


Blend all of the above ingredients together into a slurry. Taste and adjust sweetener or peppermint oil, as needed. Enjoy as a tasty beverage or freeze in ice pop molds and/or an ice cream maker.


This recipe works with 1/2 cup hemp hearts, the same amount of water, 2 TBSP maple syrup, straight up as a milk you can drink. The basic recipe is definitely worth your time and ingredients to tweak to your likely. Since this “milk” has no preservatives in it, the parts settle while it is stored in the fridge so if you will be drinking it, remember to shake well, before using in a baking recipe or enjoying as you would use milk.

This recipe also works as stated above for chocolate milk. The entire recipe is sized correctly, yield wise, for a recycled Oat Milk 1.5 Quart recycled container to store it in the fridge. I am going to also trial this milk as a base for ice cream. I’ll post more later on that topic. If you get the portions just right, this may make a base for coffee style creamer, flavored, or not.

Granola Bars (Hemp Seeds)

Want a simple, yet satisfying snack or grab-and-go breakfast idea? Then here is the recipe for you.


  • 1 Cup Hemp Seeds
  • 1 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 2 TBSP Chia Seeds (if the texture of chia bothers you, consider grinding these in a coffee or spice grinder)
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • 4 TBSP Coconut Oil (or butter)
  • 1 Cup Sunflower Seed Butter (or other nut or seed butter)
  • 1 Cup Walnuts (or any combination of nuts equaling one cup measurement)
  • 8 Packs Sweetleaf Stevia
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. In a bowl, mix together all ingredients. Blend together well.
  2. Press mixture evenly into an 8×8 silicone pan or a lined with parchment paper pan.
  3. Place in freezer.
  4. Once frozen, take bars out of the freezer. Remove the granola block from the silicone pan. Cut in half, forming two portions. Continue cutting each portion in half to form 16 granola bars of equal size.


  • You can eat these straight out of the freezer. They do not freeze “hard” so they are eatable. I wouldn’t even bother keeping them in the fridge. Simple package them into an air tight container and store them, well labeled, in the freezer.
  • There is a LOT of flexibility in this recipe. Potential add ins can switch up the flavor (and the carb count). Try some different combinations. Some things to try: Pistachio nut-butter; macadamia nuts with cranraisins; walnuts with raisins; a stir in of chopped dark chocolate or coating the outside with melted chocolate along one edge.