Category Archives: Not Worth It

Breakfast Sausage Patties (Turkey)

This recipe, while super easy to make, and fabulous in its texture, is nothing special. It left me less than impressed. It may be worthy of tweaking, or I may find another recipe which is better. Nevertheless, recording I recently made it, how I made it, so I don’t duplicate efforts.



  1. Assemble all of the ingredients.
  2. In a bowl, combine all of the spices and mix well.
  3. Drain any blood from meat package, and combine meat with seasonings in the bowl.
  4. Divide into 6 portions.
  5. Cook on a griddle pan, a few minutes each side until the edges are done and no longer pink, then flipping and cooking the second side for the same time on the additional size.
  6. Drain off blood and grease while cooking. A serving size is one patty.


  • The fennel seeds, whole, in this recipe seemed a bit too sparse to taste throughout. If I made this recipe again, I would either increase the amount of fennel, or crush it or grind it, before adding to the recipe.
    • For my taste buds, the maple syrup was too sweet in this recipe and not needed. If I make this again, I’d leave it out.
    • The salt/pepper taste was too mild. This is what makes the sausage, sausage. If I made this recipe again, I would increase both.
    • This recipe could benefit from increasing the spices ratio to meat.
    • This recipe works well for “breakfast sandwiches” or for things like faux fried potatoes (cooked up with onions, green cactus, turnips and sausage; with or without kale or spinach tossed in)
    • While I did not attempt to freeze this recipe, it appears to be something which could easily freeze/thaw quite well without any issues.
    • It cooks up super nice! It is so easy. It holds together well.

Korean BBQ Sauce

This recipe is adapted to be low-carb and for allergen removal from this Snappy Gourmet article.


  • Soy Sauce (1 cup, low sodium)
  • Turnip (size of an asian pear; peeled; alternatively use Choyte squash)
  • Swerve-Brown Sugar Substitute (1/2 cup)
  • Malt Vinegar (1 TBSP)
  • Garlic (1 TBSP fresh, minced)
  • Ginger (1 TBSP, fresh, minced)
  • Green Onion (chopped)
  • Sesame Seed Oil (1 tsp)
  • pepper


  1. Measure ingredients.
  2. Dump into blender.
  3. Blend well.
  4. Cook in sauce pan for 5 minutes to thicken to desired thickness.
  5. For my ingredients, I needed to re-blend them after cooking.
  6. Jar.
  7. Refrigerate until using.


  • On a sandwich or wrap, with or without mixing it with mayo.
  • On meat or beans to flavor.
  • In a stir fry.
  • While cooking meats or beans in the slow cooker or on the grill.

Breakfast Substitute

Note: While cooking this recipe, I discovered a happy substitute for cooked breakfast cereal. A pealed, raw, minced, turnip processed in the blender or food processor but otherwise raw turnip, cooked in butter and then given a healthy covering of maple/brown sugar to form a sort of sauce covering the cooked turnip bits, could easily be a substitute for oatmeal or other such cooked cereals.