Category Archives: Raw

Dairy Free Sprinkle Cheese

This recipe produces a powder you can store in an air tight spice jar and sprinkle on foods as a topping, much like store-bought Parmesan cheese, but with out dairy or nightshades, which are common in other products.

Besides using this recipe as a sprinkle-on spice, you can also turn this recipe into a quick cheese sauce. To do so, simply add 4 TBSP of the powder to 4 TBSP of butter in a pan over medium heat. Then add cup of liquid (broth, water, “milk”, etc). This recipe easily scales up or down, as needed.



  1. Grind the thyme into smaller flakes or powder.
  2. Combine all of the ingredients together.
  3. Store in an air-tight container at room temperature. Consider adding to a well-labeled recycled spice jar with a tight-fitting lid, to use as a sprinkle on topping over favorite foods.
Pictured is a quick, go-to, freezer meal including: 7-Spice meat balls, zucchini, 2 TBS Faux Tomato Pasta Sauce, steamed until fork tender sprinkled with salt, pepper, and sprinkle cheese sauce for a quick meal.


To make a cheese-like sauce, you will need to add to a sauce pan over medium heat 4 TBSP of the “cheese sauce” powder mix, 4 TBSP of butter. Allow this to cook until fragrant and all of the butter is melted and mixed well into the “sauce” mix like you would to make any traditional Roux gravy. Once the roux is fragrant, add 1 cup of liquid. For the liquid pick what ever makes sense for the use you are making the sauce. If you want creamy mac-n-cheese style sauce, consider using a plant based milk. If you want to flavor it with meat or veg, consider using bone broth or veggie broth. If you are short on time or don’t have any thing else on hand in your pantry, use water. It is still good!

The creamy sauce pairs nicely with so many things! You can use it as a cheese sauce for dipping veggies and crackers into. You can use it as a salad dressing for taco salad. You can pair it with poultry, beef, or sausage. You can use up left over veggies such as cauliflower or broccoli or other yum veg with this sauce. It pairs really nice too with home made sausage. And one of my favorites is cauliflower or broccoli rice! YUM!

To turn left over veg, such as cauliflower rice, into the most delicious cauliflower rice you’ve ever tasted follow these steps: start with cold, refrigerated left over cauliflower rice (or other cold, left over veggies–if your veggies are too large, don’t worry, you can “chop” them into the sauce to smaller, bite-sized, pieces to amalgamate the flavors and different veggies into a flavorful way to eat up left overs). Make up the Creamy Sauce as instructed above, toss in the left over veggies, blend and serve. This makes a nice lunch, too, if you have too little of a portion of left over (meat) added to the dish to use everything up. Serve while hot and enjoy.

Left over broccoli “riced” with this cheese sauce served with onion style “noodles” and beef patty.

VEGAN: This recipe is very easy to turn into a vegan recipe. Simply swap out “butter” for vegan butter or a neutral flavor oil when making the sauce use a plant-based milk or water.

RESULT: This is a basic go-to recipe which I’ve re-made many times since first giving it a try. One note: it is claimed by other health care experts that fortified nutritional yeast vs unfortified, natural, nutritional yeast makes a big difference in health; however, as I’ve not studied it out for myself and the only brand of nutritional yeast available to me in my local market is not fortified, but naturally rich in nutrients, I didn’t bother to research this topic out–but if your nutritional yeast is fortified, you may want to do so before using it in this quantity, especially if you have people in your life who are allergic to several things, have autoimmune, or other health issues already.

Granola Bars (Hemp Seeds)

Want a simple, yet satisfying snack or grab-and-go breakfast idea? Then here is the recipe for you.


  • 1 Cup Hemp Seeds
  • 1 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 2 TBSP Chia Seeds (if the texture of chia bothers you, consider grinding these in a coffee or spice grinder)
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • 4 TBSP Coconut Oil (or butter)
  • 1 Cup Sunflower Seed Butter (or other nut or seed butter)
  • 1 Cup Walnuts (or any combination of nuts equaling one cup measurement)
  • 8 Packs Sweetleaf Stevia
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. In a bowl, mix together all ingredients. Blend together well.
  2. Press mixture evenly into an 8×8 silicone pan or a lined with parchment paper pan.
  3. Place in freezer.
  4. Once frozen, take bars out of the freezer. Remove the granola block from the silicone pan. Cut in half, forming two portions. Continue cutting each portion in half to form 16 granola bars of equal size.


  • You can eat these straight out of the freezer. They do not freeze “hard” so they are eatable. I wouldn’t even bother keeping them in the fridge. Simple package them into an air tight container and store them, well labeled, in the freezer.
  • There is a LOT of flexibility in this recipe. Potential add ins can switch up the flavor (and the carb count). Try some different combinations. Some things to try: Pistachio nut-butter; macadamia nuts with cranraisins; walnuts with raisins; a stir in of chopped dark chocolate or coating the outside with melted chocolate along one edge.

Tzaziki Sauce (Dairy Free)

This sauce can be made with dairy, by choosing dairy-based yogurt as the main ingredient, or dairy free using coconut-based or soy-based yogurt. Adjust the seasonings accordingly. Make in advance, to allow the flavors to blend best in the fridge.


  • 1/2 Cup Yogurt (dairy free: coconut or soy based; or greek yogurt for dairy option)
  • 1/2 Cup grated cucumber (peeled or unpeeled per personal preference)
  • 1 TBSP Olive Oil
  • 1 clove pressed Garlic
  • 1 tsp dried dill
  • 1 drop YLEO Peppermint
  • 1 TBSP Lemon Juice


Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate at least a few hours, if not over night, before using to make shawarma, falafals, kebabs, or salads based on these flavors.

Lemon Poppy-Seed Dressing (Vegan)

Easy. Quick. Tasty. Basic go-to recipe which you can rely on over and over again.



  1. Gather blender, measuring equipment, a clean bottle for the final salad dressing, and the other food ingredients.
  2. Put all ingredients, except the reserved poppy seeds, into the blender.
  3. Blend ingredients until mixed together well. My mixture turned red! Wow, hm? Pretty pink-red color. Taste and see if you need to adjust any of the spices before continuing.
  4. Gently stir in the Poppy Seeds.
  5. Use right away, or store in fridge in an air-tight container. Enjoy within the week as this recipe has no preservatives. The flavors mature best overnight.


This recipe fits perfectly in a “bullet blender” style blender and refills a repurposed glass salad dressing bottle perfectly. As it is super flavorful, you don’t need much to flavor an entire salad or a veggie plate.


  • The olive oil I used is all natural, so when you start to make your salad, set out this dressing to allow it to return to liquid state as the quality olive oil will solidify in the fridge.
  • For me, 1/2 cup of lemon juice was about 3 organic lemons.
  • Wash and roll the lemons prior to juicing them. Rolling them under the palm of your hand releases more juice. Washing them means you can save the peels for: 1. freezing and using with your zester as needed in recipes 2. cutting and prepping for candied citrus peels 3. dehydrating to use in recipes like Lemon Pepper Seasoning.
  • If you are making this recipe sugar-free, try using simple syrup made with your favorite sugar-free sweetener.
  • 1/4 cup of minced onions was way too much for me. I think next time I will go just shy of 1/4 cup minced onion.
  • This pairs nicely with a crunchy salad, spinach, or even as a veggie dip if you catch it at the right “thickness” from the fridge.
  • For the convenience of those living in Texas, and myself, I’ve linked to the products used in making this recipe so I can more easily re-order them when I run out and want to make this recipe again. It is also available on Carb Manager for tracking/nutritional info.

Cauliflower Snack

Take a raw, full head or packaged, organic or home-grown cauliflower, add a delicious home-made Dairy-Free cheese sauce and viola! You’ve got a great chip and dip substitute which is satisfying, healthy, allergen friendly when everyone else is enjoying other snacks which aren’t allergen friendly, or when you are in the mood for something crunchy! While this combo is my personal favorite, other great dippable combos include carrots, crackers, broccoli, green onions, radishes, cucumbers, celery, and anything you can think of as a dippable.

Seasonings: Lemon Pepper

Lemon pepper is one of my favorite seasonings, however the type for sale in most of my local stores all contain corn derivative products and I’d like to avoid that– so i used lemon peel to make my own. Enjoy!


  • Clean air-tight bottle or small jar.
  • Lemon Peel (store bought, or DIY)
  • 2-5 drops YL Lemon Vitality Essential Oil (optional, but awesome!)
  • 1 TBS Real Salt
  • 1 TBS Pepper (freshly ground is nice)
  • 1/2 TBS Dried Parsley Flakes
  • 1/2 TBS Dried Thyme
  • 1/2 TBS Garlic Powder
  • 1/2 TBS Onion Powder


  1. Use dried lemon peel to fill half of your container, or up to 1/4 of a cup. Check that this won’t fill more than 1/2 of your storage container.
  2. Put lemon peel into your mixing bowl.
  3. Add optional YL Lemon Vitality drops to dried lemon peel. Stir to mix well. Break up any clumps, if they form.
  4. Mix remaining ingredients into mixture.
  5. Mix well. Break up clumps if they form.
  6. Return to jar and seal in air-tight bottle until needed.
  7. This stores up to a year in your pantry.


This spice blend works well with fish, vegetables (especially roasted), grains (rice, quinoa), beans, soups, sauces, and in salad dressing.

It is a go-to recipe! Great to brighten, or freshen, up flavor.

If you have any trouble with this spice mix “clumping” beyond what a simple “shake” will loosen, add a grain or two of rice to the jar to help absorb humidity. I had my first bottle and used it up so quickly despite the issues with Texas spices “clumping” frequently (due likely to the high humidity here) I didn’t have any clumping without having to use rice and I was able to use the spice up down to the last bit. LOVE this spice, especially on fish, in dips, on veg, and to brighten a salad with a new splash of flavor. 

One nice way to use this spice is in, or as, a coating on lightly grilled or baked items such as veggies or fish. You can turn that coating into a crispy, nice, experience with a bit of care to keep it from burning in a pan with a bit of melted butter. Looking for gluten-free breading to go with it? Try hemp hearts mixed with this seasoning as the “crust” while cooking the fish.

Refrigerator Pickles

Home made, versitle, low-carb, keto friendly refrigerator pickles. You can make these seasoned either: sweet, garlic, 5-spice, old bay, dill, or any other spices/blends you can think of!


  • 1 lbs fresh Mini Cucumbers
  • Filtered Water
  • Vinegar
  • Sweetener of choice
  • 1 recycled jar, clean.


  • Start by washing, and drying, the fresh cucumbers.
  • Cut off ends of cucumbers (Note: if your neighbors have chickens, consider the ends chicken food; or compost.)
  • Thinly slice cucumbers.
  • Add fresh cucumbers to jar.
  • Boil together 3/4 cup water, 3/4 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup sweetener (to taste).
  • Allow mixture to cool.
  • Pour over cucumbers as prepared previously in the jar.
  • Remove air bubbles.
  • Close top. Store in fridge.

Faux Ketchup

an ongoing attempt at finding a suitable substitute for tomato-based ketchup which is low-carb and nightshade-free.



  • salt
  • pepper
  • allspice
  • celery salt
  • garlic powder
  • oregano
  • sweetener (1 pck Sweet Leaf Stevia, or omit)
  • 1 TBSP malt vinegar


  1. To a blender add 6 ounces of cooked (leftover or canned) beets
  2. Add a pinch of each of the seasonings.
  3. Pulse to puree into a smooth condiment.


This recipe turned out “okay” most especially when mixed into an equal amount of mayonnaise and used as a “fry sauce”. However it was too sweet. Next time I will try omitting the stevia package. Also, this cannot be made and used the same time it is made as it needs to marinade a while longer. Going to try it next with carrots and/or a mix of pureed carrots and beets. It is a great way to use up left over beets or carrots.