Tag Archives: chicken

3-Ingredient Chicken

collectedgoodies.wordpress.com 3 Ingredient CHickenWhenever boneless, skinless, chicken breasts go on sale, here is a tasty and easy recipe to use your bulk purchases wisely.


  • 4 Boneless, skinless, chicken breasts
  • 1 Cup Kirkland Organic Salsa (or your favorite brand)
  • 1 TBSP (Homemade) Taco Seasoning


  1. Toss the chicken into the bottom of your slow cooker or crockpot.
  2. Sprinkle the chicken breasts with Taco Seasoning.
  3. Top seasoned chicken breasts with salsa.
  4. Cook 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low.

Suggested Uses:3ing-chicken

  • Shred meat.  Use to make Chicken Enchiladas
  • Chicken Enchilada Soup
  • Chicken Tacos
  • Chicken Taco Salad (lunches or main dish)
  • Freezer batch cooking friendly

Batch Cooking/Freezer Cooking:
If you make this recipe up in large batches, you can freeze then in single serving sizes using a muffin tin to first freeze the shredded chicken and then transferring to a labeled, dated freezer bag to use as needed.

Alternatively, using zip-lock bags place 4 raw chicken breasts, 1 cup of salsa, and 1 TBSP of taco seasoning mix into a bag, label, freeze until ready to use.  On cooking day, remove bag and place frozen seasoned chicken and 1/4 cup water into slow cooker and cook as previously directed.