Tag Archives: freezer meal

DINNER ROLLS (Sandwich Buns, Snack Pizza Rounds)

This recipe, depending upon how you shape it before baking (and adjust the baking time accordingly) works well for a number of “bread substitute” types of recipes or meal plans. You can use this, English muffin size, to make open-faced snack pizzas just as easily as you can eat it as it is, or turn it into the base of a breakfast sandwich with your favorite ingredients. I can be used for sloppy joe and/or biscuits with sausage and country gravy style of meal plans too. I’ve used it as a “burger bun” style of bread replacement when eating salmon burgers, turkey burgers, or beef burgers, as well as making a bun sandwich with it. It does okay, flavor wise, with either sweet (top with stevia sweetened cinnamon butter for example) or savory items. It freezes well. It tastes just fine by its self or with butter on it. (Try garlic bread, too–just remember it is soft and can easily crumble). I’ve not tried it yet for bread crumbs but I bet it could be crumbled and used as a base to make herb croutons, or a stuffing base with turkey broth onions celery and sage, and is basically a good go-to item to have on hand since it freezes so well. It can be made ahead and frozen. It thaws easily in the toaster oven in the amount of time it took me to make the meal I wanted to use it for. When I made “pizza” with it, I added it frozen to the baking tray, topped it with frozen sauce, and frozen homemade sausage, and the dairy-free cheese, and it worked well enough too.


  • 1/2 Cup HEB Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt
  • 1/2 Cup Coconut Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Boiling Water
  • 1 TBSP Psyllium Husk
  • 2 TBSP Golden Flaxseed Meal
  • 2 TBSP Melted Butter
  • 1 TBSP White Vinegar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp Real Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Arrowroot


You can find this recipe’s original author’s instructions to mix these and bake them here: Keto Vegetarian’s Recipe

I made modifications from the original recipe due to different allergens. One note is that the water should be boiling when it is used to activate the psyllium. Once mixed, the dough needs to rest for about 10 minutes. The oven should be preheated to 350 degrees. These are baked about 25 minutes (until golden on top). Turn off oven and let cool for 10 minutes before removing from the oven.

They do well: 1) frozen and thawed (I froze them flat on a tray, then transferred them to individually sealed bags with a piece of parchment paper between the split portion so as to be able to separate them before thawing more easily so i could thaw in the toaster oven. 2) can be used without any further work than making them. 3) do well from the fridge and being used.

They are too moist. Like many “coconut” based items these have a tendency to have a too moist texture. They do not hold up well to a burger and don’t toast firm enough, even in the toaster oven (but that’s better than not toasting them) to really not crumble when eating a juicy burger. I would suggest always using sandwich style lettuce in the bun if you are using them as a burger bun so it catches what ever you have inside (tuna salad, salmon beef or turkey burgers, chickpea/hummus spread, etc) when the bun eventually falls apart, as it likely will.

Recipes on this blog I recently used in combination with this dinner roll recipe to make various types of meal plans:

  1. Snack Pizza

  2. Salmon Patties
  3. Burger Patties
  4. Turkey Patties
  5. Sandwich
  6. Open face as a base for: sloppy joes, or sausage and country gravy.
  7. Just as is, or with butter, or toasted with butter or seasonings (garlic bread, cinnamon and stevia, etc).

Orange Chicken


6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed
2 tsp Organic Cornstarch
1 container orange juice frozen concentrate, undiluted
4 TBSP Brown Sugar
2 TBSP Balsamic Vinegar
3 TBSP Organic Ketchup (MSG-free, high fructose free)
2 TBSP Soy Sauce or Liquid Coconut Aminos (Soy Sauce Alternative)
2 TBSP Honey
Red Pepper Flakes (optional)
1 each: green, red, orange, yellow bell pepper (sliced)


1. Begin by chopping the raw chicken breasts into cubes.
2. Place chicken cubes either in a ziplock freezer bag or in the bottom of your slow cooker.
3. Sprinkle cornstarch over chicken cubes and stir to coat.
4. Sprinkle salt and pepper over chicken cubes.
5. Add the entire container of undiluted orange juice concentrate, honey, soy sauce (or alternative), ketchup, vinegar, and brown sugar.
6. If desired, add up to 1 tsp red pepper flakes.
7. Add sliced bell peppers and stir.

To use as a freezer meal: remove air from zip lock and seal and freeze until ready to cook. On the day you wish to cook this meal, remove it from the freezer, open the bag and place contents into your slow cooker, and follow the directions below.

To enjoy now: cook on low 8 hours.

Serving suggestions: Tastes great over rice, with or without chopped green onions or fresh orange slices as a garnish.