Tag Archives: Keto Frosting

Carrot-Pecan Cake (lower carb)

Delicious, moist, amazing treat! This recipe has special-occasion worthy written all over it!

Photo of two frosted carrot cakes, ramekin sized, with a copy of the basic recipe ingredients and a link to this recipe.

So often, recipes like this use a microwave and/or almond flour. If you’ve been searching for a worthy carrot cake recipe made without almond flour and without using a microwave, then this is the one for you! If you like your carrot cake with some nutty crunch, try blending our own pecan meal, leaving some of the pecan pieces a bit more chunky while grinding the remainder to “flour” like consistency.

To make this coconut-flour rich cake turn out moist, this recipe uses baby food. Why? It is the perfect consistency for ensuring a moist and delicious cake, and it is also sized perfectly for this recipe ensuring no wasted excess carrots. Be certain to purchase stage 1 baby food as it only has one ingredient; in our use case here that is simply pureed carrots.


Cake Batter:

  • 4 TBSP Coconut Flour
  • 4 TBSP Ground Pecans (see note)
  • 4 TBSP Swerve Powdered
  • 2 TBSP coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 4 ounces carrots stage 1 baby food (no added ingredients, just pureed carrots)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg

Cream Cheese Frosting:

  • 8 ounce package full-fat cream cheese (room temp)
  • 2-3 TBSP Swerve Powdered (to taste)
  • 1-2 Packages Sweet Leaf Stevia
  • coconut milk (as needed)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • shredded carrot for topping or candles (optional)
  • one flavoring: vanilla, orange, lemon, maple (optional)


  • Grease two ramekins with coconut oil.
  • Mix together dry batter ingredients in one bowl. Stir until well blended and there are no lumps.
  • In another bowl, mix together the wet ingredients until well blended together.
  • Combine wet ingredients into dry ingredients.
  • Equally distribute into prepared ramekins.
  • Bake in a 350 degree toaster oven for 12-15 minutes. Don’t over cook or the cake will be too dry.
  • If you will be frosting these for a “birthday” or layer cake, you’ll need to unplate them. Otherwise, you can skip this step. To unplate, begin with one, then follow the steps for the second ramekin. Use a snack plate the size of your ramekin or slightly larger. Using hotmits (the ramekins are still hot!) place the snack plates over the top of the hot ramekin. Flip the ramekin covered with your snack plate upside down so that the plate is on the counter and your ramekin is upside down over the plate. Tap the bottom of the ramekin. Carefully lift up the ramekin so the cake is now on the plate. Repeat this process for the other ramekin.
  • Allow cake to fully cool.
  • Place in freezer for15-30 minutes (this helps us frost the cakes as they are very soft and moist!
  • While the cakes are freezing to frost, it is time to start making your frosting. NOTE: You can make a 2 layer cake out of each Ramekin or a 4 layer cake out of both. You’ll need to time this perfectly. Freeze just long enough to have the cakes firm enough to use your cake cutter to make the layers, before frosting.
  • Whip together the room-temperature cream cheese package, your sweetener, your pinch or two (to taste) of cinnamon, and if desired a flavoring such as vanilla or other extract (maple, orange, lemon all interesting frosting flavors, but this cake is so moist and delicious you don’t need any of the optional flavors. Just use coconut milk to thin, if needed, to get the frosting consistency.
  • Taste before frosting to ensure your frosting is sweet enough for you.
  • Remove cake from freezer.
  • Carefully frost.
  • Top with candles or carrot shards, if desired (optional)
  • Enjoy!


  • Carrot cake always takes a bit more time than other cakes to make. Using pureed, stage, one, carrot baby food saves time. Frugal tip: make your own pureed carrots and freeze them in 4 ounce portions to use later in making this recipe when ever you need it.
  • This frosting is so delicious and versatile with the optional flavorings you can really enjoy this on its own, or atop other recipes besides this carrot cake. There are lots of Vitality oils which could be used as a topping flavor too: Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, Lime, Grapefruit, Ginger, Spearmint, Mint. Citrus Fresh, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Cardamom, Bergamont, Lemongrass, Lavender.
  • If you are not using this recipe for a special occasion, you can reduce the frosting in half to simply top the top of the two ramekin cakes in the ramekin and enjoy right away without freezing or any additional steps.
  • Swerve Powdered Sugar style works best for this recipe. If you only have granular sweetener, grind it in your coffee grinder.
  • To make the pecan meal, grind fresh pecans in a coffee grinder to a “flour” like consistency, stopping just short of making pecan butter.
  • Another optional topping could be coconut flakes (dyed with food coloring or not)
These cakes unplate easily, are super moist, delicious, spiced just right, and easy to frost once soft-frozen a few minutes.

Happy birthday!