Tag Archives: malt vinegar

Faux Ketchup

an ongoing attempt at finding a suitable substitute for tomato-based ketchup which is low-carb and nightshade-free.

UPDATED TRIAL: collectedgoodies.wordpress.com/2024/06/11/ketchup-nightshade-free/


  • salt
  • pepper
  • allspice
  • celery salt
  • garlic powder
  • oregano
  • sweetener (1 pck Sweet Leaf Stevia, or omit)
  • 1 TBSP malt vinegar


  1. To a blender add 6 ounces of cooked (leftover or canned) beets
  2. Add a pinch of each of the seasonings.
  3. Pulse to puree into a smooth condiment.


This recipe turned out “okay” most especially when mixed into an equal amount of mayonnaise and used as a “fry sauce”. However it was too sweet. Next time I will try omitting the stevia package. Also, this cannot be made and used the same time it is made as it needs to marinade a while longer. Going to try it next with carrots and/or a mix of pureed carrots and beets. It is a great way to use up left over beets or carrots.