Tag Archives: newlsetter

Free Cookbooks

Like new recipes?  Then you’re going to love Encore Book Club.  I signed up for Encore’s book club at their website.  You can find the link here.  Want to know more details?  No problem, I bet your wondering what you’ll get if you sign up for their newsletter.  Typically, they send out their newsletter every Friday and it typically includes six free cooking Kindle Books.  The free eBooks are normally available all weekend, but then return to normal pricing on Mondays. Today’s free ebooks included the following free titles: Pickled, Cucumber Recipes, Pineapple Recipes, Raw Food, Quinoa Recipes, Oreo Recipes.  You can choose as few or as many titles as you wish.

Don’t have a Kindle book reader?  No problem!  Amazon makes an app for your android device, has downloadable software for your computer, and if none of the above methods work, you can choose to send the free books to your “Kindle Cloud Reader” which is accessible to you from any internet connected web browser, or purchase a Kindle Book reader.   I have the free Kindle book reader on my tablet and enjoy being able to take wonderful recipes to the kitchen with me while I’m cooking.